Card GPU NVIDIA Tesla P40 24GB GDDR5


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  • Hãng sản xuất: NVIDIA
  • GPU Architecture: NVIDIA Pascal
  • GPU Memory: 24 GB
  • CUDA Cores: ‎3840
  • Interface: ‎PCIe 3.0 x16
  • Bảo hành: 12 tháng
Mã sản phẩm: SVN-GPU-P40 Danh mục: ,

GPU NVIDIA Tesla P40 – High performance virtual graphics and computer

NVIDIA redefined visual computing by giving designers, engineers, scientists, and graphic artists the power to take on the biggest visualization challenges with immersive, interactive, photorealistic environments. NVIDIA® Quadro® Virtual Data Center Workstation (Quadro vDWS) takes advantage of NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs to deliver virtual workstations from the data center. Architects, engineers, and designers are now liberated from their desks and can access applications and data anywhere.

The NVIDIA® Tesla® P40 GPU accelerator works with NVIDIA Quadro vDWS software and is the first system to combine an enterprise-grade visual computing platform for simulation, HPC rendering, and design with virtual applications, desktops, and workstations. This gives organizations the freedom to virtualize both complex visualization and compute (CUDA and OpenCL) workloads.

The NVIDIA® Tesla® P40 taps into the industry-leading NVIDIA Pascal™ architecture to deliver up to twice the professional graphics performance of the NVIDIA® Tesla® M60 (Refer to Performance Graph). With 24 GB of framebuffer and 24 NVENC encoder sessions, it supports 24 virtual desktops (1GB profile) or 12 virtual workstations (2 GB profile), providing the best end-user scalability per GPU. This powerful GPU also supports eight different user profiles, so virtual GPU resources can be efficiently provisioned to meet the needs of the user. And it’s available in a wide variety of industry-standard 2U servers.

Thông số kỹ thuật GPU NVIDIA Tesla P40 24GB GDDR5

GPU Architecture NVIDIA Pascal
Single-Precision Performance 12 TeraFLOPS*
nteger Operations (INT8) 47 TOPS*
GPU Memory 24 GB
Memory Bandwidth 346 GB/s
CUDA Cores 3,840
System Interface PCIe 3.0 x16
Form Factor 4.4” H x 10.5” L, Dual Slot, Full Height
Max Power 250 W
GPU Architecture NVIDIA Pascal
Single-Precision Performance 12 TeraFLOPS*
nteger Operations (INT8) 47 TOPS*
GPU Memory 24 GB
Memory Bandwidth 346 GB/s
CUDA Cores 3,840
System Interface PCIe 3.0 x16
Form Factor 4.4” H x 10.5” L, Dual Slot, Full Height
Max Power 250 W
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2 đánh giá cho Card GPU NVIDIA Tesla P40 24GB GDDR5

  1. Huỳnh Minh Trung

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    Image #1 from Huỳnh Minh Trung
    Image #2 from Huỳnh Minh Trung
  2. Trương Hải lâm

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